
TIP: exhibition 'High Fashion-Low Countries' - July 13, 14, 15 - 2012 @ Nes 45, Amsterdam

High Fashion Low Countries will be presenting the work of six Dutch and Belgian designers at The Flemish Arts Centre 'De Brakke Grond' in Amsterdam (NL). Why? 

The creative industry, more specifically fashion, architecture and design, is a major focus point for the Dutch Foreign Economic and Cultural policy. The Netherlands Embassy in Brussels has converted the rising attention for these topics into specific events over the last years, such as the Dutch Design Days in 2008 and the Benelux Architecture Days in 2010.
In 2012, fashion will be in the spotlight. Over the last years, themes of sustainability and slow fashion have gained a lot of attention in the fashion industry. Therefore the embassy will incorporate these themes in its upcoming event. At the same time the focus on sustainability and slow fashion perfectly fits within the ‘bio-based economy’ activities undertaken by Department for Economic Affairs of the Embassy. This will be translated into different activities on fashion and textile.
The events for 2012 will take place in Brussels, Antwerp and Amsterdam. The embassy has a twofold objective: firstly, strengthening existing partnerships between Belgium and the Netherlands; secondly, connecting relevant actors in the sector such as students, teachers and designers in order to share knowledge and expertise on durability and entrepreneurship. 
Sustainable development, craftsmanship, the use of alternative materials and a less-seasonal view on fashion have gained attention amongst entrepreneurs and emerging designers in both countries. The new luxury market demands for long lasting and sustainable products. These products could be created through reinventing traditional crafts, researching on alternative materials and using new technologies and local resources.
This working ethos gains more and more followers in the Dutch and Belgian markets and this places both countries at the forefront of a new fashion trend.
With this project they aim to support outstanding Dutch and Belgian talent working in this field and encourage more development and knowledge sharing.

The project High Fashion Low Countries will be on view for the first time through a capsule exhibiton at the cultural venue 'De Brakke Grond' (adress: Nes 45) from July 13th – 15th (free admission) in collaboration with The Green Fashion Competition and Amsterdam Fashion Week.  
As second stop, the project will travel to Antwerp during the first week of October for a series of lectures programmed in collaboration with Flanders Fashion Institute (FFI) on the 11th of October. 

Participating designers are:
-Pauline van Dongen (NL)
-Natalie de Koning (NL)
-Jantine van Peski (NL)
-Katrien van Hecke (B)
-Lena Lumelsky (B) and
-Celine de Schepper (B)
More information: www.highfashionlowcountries.com 
(text by High Fashion-Low Countries. Curated bEve-Marie Kuijstermans and Javier Barcala)

TIP: Antwerpse MoMu Award 2012: Manon Kündig - Mannelijke prieelvogels verpakt in pretentieuze stoffen

Elk jaar reikt het ModeMuseum een prijs uit aan een masterstudent van de modeafdeling van de Koninklijke Academie, Artesis Antwerpen. Deze prijs, die in juni overhandigd wordt tijdens de proclamatie van de jury, biedt een student de mogelijkheid om zijn of haar afstudeercollectie te presenteren in een tentoonstelling in de MoMu-galerij. De MoMuprijs wordt toegekend aan een student die gedurende zijn of haar studieperiode een boeiend parcours aflegde en wiens werk opvalt omwille van een unieke beeldtaal. 

De MoMu Award 2012 wordt uitgereikt aan Manon Kündig(zie beeld), met de collectie 'Bowerbird': 
De mannelijke prieelvogel, een klein wezentje dat het vrouwtje verleidt door een vreemde compositie te maken van zowel natuurlijk als synthetisch restafval, met als bedoeling zijn creatief talent te demonstreren, is een echte freak of nature. Hij vormt ook de centrale inspiratie voor de eclectische silhouetten in deze collectie.

'Door het mixen van goede en slechte smaak, onbewuste mode en  mannelijke pronkzucht, toont de collectie hoe schone schijn ophouden op een creatieve en spontane manier kan gebeuren.'

Stoffen die pretenderen iets te zijn wat ze niet zijn, camouflageprints die niet zijn wat ze lijken, namaak carré foulards die tot jas omgetoverd worden, in Kündig’s wereld liggen afval en haute couture niet ver uit elkaar.  

Net zoals de prieelvogel, keek Manon Kündig ook naar haar buren voor inspiratie: als Zwitserse in Borgerhout, integreerde ze typische versieringen materialen en silhouetten die men kan vinden in de culturen van dit district en vele andere. Als een volleerde pick-up artist, verzamelt Kündig inspiratie vanop eender welke plek waar ze er vindt, waarmee ze de schoonheid toont van l’art du hazard

De installatie van de MoMu Award 2012 loopt van dinsdag 12 juni tot en met zondag 14 oktober 2012 in de MoMu Galerij in Antwerpen en de toegang is gratis.   

Hieronder de video van de graduationshow van de Antwerpse Fashion Department 2012: 

MODEKERN - Institute for fashion heritage is coming next year! A professional image archive to preserve substantial Dutch fashiondesign

Modekern is an initiative of Premsela, the Netherlands Institute for Design and Fashion; ArtEZ Institute of the Arts; the Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem; and the Gelders Archief.


Modekern collects, provides access to, studies and exhibits the archives of internationally significant Dutch fashion designers in order to broaden and deepen understanding of modern Dutch fashion history. Modekern is an initiative of Premsela, the Netherlands Institute for Design and Fashion; ArtEZ Institute of the Arts; the Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem; and the Gelders Archief. It avails itself of existing infrastructure based on each organisation’s strengths and expertise. Modekern receives support from the city of Arnhem and the province of Gelderland.
Modekern exhibits designers’ sketches, clothing-making techniques, and look books, invitations and other publicity materials online and in physical space. Designers, students and amateur fashion designers can use the archives for study and inspiration. Modekern Arnhem organises exhibitions of acquired materials and operates an educational programme for technical colleges and secondary schools.
So far, Spijkers en Spijkers, Piet Paris and Alexander van Slobbe have promised to provided their archives. Each has played a crucial role in the evolution of Dutch fashion.

For the Dutch readers: Lees ook het stuk van modejournalist Georgette Koning over het archiveren van Spijkers & Spijkers door Modekern, klik HIER 

about my work for SALON/

Since the beginning of SALON/ - formerly known as SALON/1 - I support this one of a kind fashioncultural platform. Started as a volunteer, I informed visitors and tried to start discussion on the curent fashion culture in the Netherlands or about what the visitors on that specific location admired, but since 2011 I'm the official blogger of SALON/. In Juli 2012 another SALON/ will take place with a special role for Turkisch fashionculture. Please, look at the blogs I post on www.salon1amsterdam.blogspot.com  or visit www.salon1.org to learn more on SALON/.


Fashionmasters ArtEZ presents their graduation students in a fashionvideo called No Show....what happened? See the clip

For the new crop of fashion and shoe designers graduating from the Fashion Masters of ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Team Peter Stigter developed the film NO SHOW. This short film presents the fashion show which displays the students' graduation projects in a sparkling setting of both backstage and onstage visuals. Better than a live fashion show, NO SHOW is thus the perfect springboard for an international fashion career. NO SHOW is on view during the exhibition Basic Instincts, Dutch fashion in context by Premsela, The Netherlands Institute for Design and Fashion and Museum for Modern Art Arnhem (MMKA). Exhibition: Saturday 2 June through Sunday 29 July 2012, Eusebiuskerk, Kerkplein 1, Arnhem.